Drink Coasters - Interchangeable Accessories

Drink Coasters – Interchangeable Accessories

Most decorative and functional items in a room are quite static. They are in space, dominating their own small area, adding color or beauty, contrasting and adjusting, but not changing. Even the most interactive items, such as books and magazines, will never be more than what they are, a square of art statically standing about the space, waiting to bed read. One exception to this rule is beverage coasters.

Coasters are tiny, functional pieces that are designed to stand between stains and other decorative surfaces in a room. As such they are generally relegated to the status of support items, like ash trays and trash bins, used more for maintenance than for any real decorative purpose. However coaster sets have a variety of properties which can make them unique elements in the beauty of a space.

For one thing, coasters can be singular, or they can be plural, or they …

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